Journal Detail

Jan 2022


This issue of Asian Dispute Review commences with an updated version (with Cameron Sim) of the text of a keynote address delivered by David W Rivkin to GAR Live: Hong Kong 2021 at the Hong Kong Arbitration Week 2021. Konstantin Voropaev then provides a commentary on the experience of and prospects for mediation in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) from Russian and Kazakhstani perspectives.

Next, Iris Ng discusses the place and roles of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in climate change-related disputes, while Reynold Orsua discusses how to resolve such disputes through ADR. Both Ms Ng and Mr Orsua are the winners of the inaugural HK45 essay competition (under the Hong Kong/Global and Asia Emerging Economies categories respectively), on the theme, Is there any room for ADR in climate change disputes? The competition judges included the Hon Mr Justice Robert Tang (a former Permanent Judge and current Non-Permanent Judge of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal), Mr Neil Kaplan (a former judge of the then Supreme Court of Hong Kong and a past Chairman of the HKIAC), Ms Chiann Bao (a past Secretary General of HKIAC) and Ms Sarah Grimmer (the current Secretary General of HKIAC).

For the In-house Counsel Focus article, Yang Ling discusses the development and acceptance of the concept of the seat of arbitration in Mainland China. Matrika Niraula, Mohammed Talib and Alix Povey then present developments in international arbitration and mediation in Nepal for the Jurisdiction Focus article.

The book review is by Ng Jern-Fei QC, who reviews International Arbitration: When East Meets West: Liber Amicorum Michael Moser (edited by Neil Kaplan, Michael Pryles and Chiann Bao). This issue concludes with the News section written by Robert Morgan.

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